How Do You Bottle Feed a Newborn? Tips, Positions, and Advice

How Do You Bottle Feed a Newborn? Tips, Positions, and Advice

No matter what method you’ve chosen to nourish your baby, most likely, you will need to learn how to bottle feed a newborn. Exclusively pumping? Storing breast milk for another person to feed the baby? Infant formula feeding your baby? Whatever method, you’ll find a wealth of information in this article to guide you through the process.

How to Choose the Right Bottle and Nipple

Although many manufacturers may claim that their bottles are the ones to choose from, there is no scientific evidence that one bottle is better than another. Getting a baby exclusively breastfed to take a bottle may be a little more challenging, but they will take it with patience from you. Choosing a bottle and nipple that is simple to wash and sterilize is best.

Nipples that look like human breasts may be easier for the baby to latch onto, but a baby will take any nipple that gives it the nourishment it is hungry for.

Start with a slow-flowing nipple for your infant. If they take a long time to finish a bottle or seem distracted from it in the middle of the feeding, you may need to use a faster-flowing nipple. If the opposite is the case, you may need to go to a slow-flowing nipple if the baby is drinking the liquid too fast, is cranky after a feeding, or spits up a lot of milk after it’s over.

Many companies claim to have the best bottle construction for eliminating gas. If your baby is held in the correct position and only gets the milk in the bottle, no air, the gas is more likely from something you ate if they are taking breast milk.

Prepping the Parts of the Bottles

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), here are ways to prep your baby's bottles.

Cleaning the Parts By Hand

  1. Wash your hands for 20 seconds or longer in soap and water.
  1. Separate the bottle parts - nipples, bottles, caps, rings, and valves, if the bottles have all of these parts.
  1. Rinse all of the bottle parts under running water. Do not set them down in the sink.
  1. Fill a separate container used only for cleaning bottles with soap and hot water.
  1. Scrub parts with a clean brush, which is used only for cleaning the parts.
  1. Squeeze the water through the nipple holes, ensuring they are clean and not clogged.
  1. Rinse again with running water or in a separate basin filled with clean water used only to clean the bottle parts.
  1. Allow all the parts, the cleaning basins, and the bottle brush to dry on a paper towel or unused dishtowel in an area that will not attract dust.
Bottle washer

Cleaning the Parts in the Dishwasher

Follow the above instructions for hand washing, numbers one through three, then:

  1. Place all the small parts in a closed-top basket or a mesh laundry bag to prevent them from falling into the dishwasher's bottom.
  1. The bottles may be placed in the dishwasher, like drinking glasses.
  1. Run the dishwasher on the hottest wash setting and heated drying cycles (or the sanitizing setting) to kill more germs.
  1. Wash your hands before removing the parts from the dishwasher, and if they are not fully dry, place them or an unused dishtowel or paper towel to air-dry.

Cleaning the Parts in a Bottle Washer

Follow the above instructions for hand washing, numbers one through three, then:

Place all the parts of the bottle in the bottle washer.

Add the bottles in the bottom space.

Put in the upper tray and add nipples, bottle caps, rings, etc.

Attach the removable water tank filled to the indicated max and program the bottle washer for cleaning.

Introducing the Momcozy KleanPal Pro Baby Bottle Washer and Sterilizer!

Momcozy KleanPal Pro Baby Bottle Washer and Sterilizer
Mega Sale
Bottle Washer Sterilizer & Dryer Washes More Than Just Bottles

This device saves time with its hands-free cleaning. It has nine cleaning modes, so you can customize your settings to match your needs.

It kills 99% of germs and keeps the items you’ve washed and sterilized clean for 72 hours! It will even dry your items after cleaning and sterilizing them. You can ensure your baby gets clean and sterile accessories for feeding.

The amount of water used is much smaller than handwashing or using the dishwasher. The tube on the machine removes the wastewater down the drain so it does not stay in the machine or go back through it after washing.


If you use the dishwasher to clean bottles and their parts, you do not need to sanitize them.

Otherwise, sanitizing is recommended by the CDC for extra germ removal.

Sanitizing daily is crucial if your baby is younger than two months, was premature at birth, or has a weak immune system.

You can:


  1. Place parts in a pot covered with water.
  1. Bring the pot to a boil and time it for five minutes.
  1. Remove items with tongs.
  1. Allow air-drying on paper towels or unused dish towels.


  1. Follow the manufacturer's instructions and put the bottle parts in the microwave or plug-in steamer.
  1. Allow air-drying on paper towels or unused dish towels.


  1. Put all items in two teaspoons of bleach in a gallon of water in a clean basin. Make sure all the parts are underwater with no air bubbles.
  1. Ensure the nipple holes are clear.
  1. Soak in this water solution for two minutes.
  1. Remove with clean tongs.
  1. Do not rinse. Any bleach will break down as the parts dry, and your baby will not be harmed by this method.
  1. Allow air-drying on paper towels or unused dish towels.

After this time, if your baby is healthy, carefully cleaning the items by hand or in the dishwasher is sufficient.

How to Make a Baby Bottle

Essentially, the act of making a bottle is the same for breast milk and infant formula. It’s how the liquid is prepared that is different.

How to Make a Baby Bottle With Breast Milk

You can make a bottle from frozen or fresh breast milk.

Momcozy has five types of breastmilk storage bags:

  1. Breastmilk Storage Bags have temperature sensitivity markers to tell when you’ve warmed the breastmilk to the perfect temperature.
  2. Screw-on Breastmilk Storage Bags can attach to the inside of the collection cups for easy storage and clean-up straight from the pump!
  3. Spout Breastmilk Storage Bags have temperature-sensitive markers to tell when you’ve warmed the breastmilk to the perfect temperature. A convenient spout makes the bag easy to pour from.
  4. Reusable Silicone Breastmilk Bags can be used for milk storage and pureed foods when your child is old enough. They also fold down for convenient storage when not in use. You can also use these for warm and cold packs.
  5. Breast Milk Storage Bags for the Momcozy Starter Bottle Kit can be slipped right into the starter bottle for an easy way to feed your baby.

All of them are durable, convenient, and perfect for storing breastmilk. Use these links to check them out and choose the best one for you and your baby.

Although it is painful for a mother to throw away her precious breastmilk, you need to keep these timeframes in mind:

  1. Once you begin feeding your baby breastmilk from a bottle, it is safe to remove it from the fridge or freezer for only two hours.
  1. Breastmilk stored in the refrigerator can be safe for four days.
  1. Breastmilk can be frozen for 6-12 months.
  1. If breastmilk has been removed from the freezer and thawed, you must use it within 24 hours.
  1. You may store the bottle in the fridge for 24 hours as long as your baby has not drunk from it.

The storage bags can be warmed in a bottle warmer or warm water and poured into a bottle.

Attach the nipple and ring to the bottle and ensure they are not leaking.

If you aren’t using storage bags, you can pour the breastmilk directly into the bottle from the collection cup from your breast pump.

Momcozy breastmilk storage bag featuring double zipper seal and easy-write label.

How to Make a Baby Bottle With Infant Formula

If you use ready-to-feed baby formula, you can pour it directly from the container. Run the bottle or can top under warm, soapy water and rinse, as germs could be on the surface. Ready-to-feed formula is convenient but tends to be more expensive than powdered formula.

Concentrated formula is also an option. You must add the proper amount of water to ensure your baby's proper nutrition. See the recommendations below regarding the water to mix it with.

If you use powdered infant formula, you must prepare it before filling your bottles. Although it may seem easier to make up the formula for the entire day, it is recommended that you make your bottles one at a time.

Bacteria in water can multiply very fast at room temperature, and even in the fridge, they are likely to grow, although at a slower pace.

Fill a kettle with tap water and boil it on the stove. After it comes to a boil, remove it from the heat and let it sit for about 30 minutes, but no longer.

The water must be about 158 degrees before making up the powered formula. Pour the water into the bottle first, then add the recommended amount of powder.

Avoid these habits:

  1. DO NOT use bottled water to make up feedings. It is not sterile and may contain excess salt and sulfate.
  1. DO NOT add sugars or cereal to your baby’s formula.
  1. DO NOT add formula powder to the bottle, as it may cause constipation or dehydration. A thicker liquid can also increase the baby’s risk of choking.
  1. DO NOT add extra water to the formula, as your baby will not get the recommended nourishment.
  1. DO NOT warm up the formula in the microwave as it may heat unevenly and be too hot and burn your baby’s mouth.
  1. DO NOT feed your baby heated milk without testing a few drops on the inside of your wrist. It should feel warm, not hot.

How Do You Hold a Bottle When Feeding a Newborn?

Always wash your hands before feeding your newborn. As we will discuss later in this article, position your newborn on your lap.

Hold the bottle at an angle from the bottom. Keep the bottle at a slight incline. The formula or breastmilk should fill the nipple to keep the baby from sucking air.

Gently rub the bottle nipple over your baby’s lips. Your baby should open their mouth and take the nipple into it. Start feeding them enough milk for a good mouthful; the nipple should be in the mouth enough to keep it open and wide.

Give your baby a couple of ounces of milk or infant formula.

Take breaks during the feeding to burp and eliminate any swallowed air.

To burp a baby, hold it upright on your lap or against your shoulder and chest. Put a burp cloth or other towel under its chin to catch any burped-up liquid or drooling. Gently rub its back or tap it with the flat of your hand to help dispel any air.

Feed your baby, holding the bottle at an angle until they take no more breast milk or formula from the bottle.

bottle feed a new born

What’s the Best Position to Bottle-Feed a Newborn?

Plan to bottle-feed your baby for at least 20 minutes. Settle into a comfortable position in a calm environment and relax. This is very important when bottle feeding your baby as it lets them know they are safe and you are comfortable feeding them this way.

With your baby close to your chest and belly, support their head in the upper crook of your arm at an angle where their head and neck are aligned.

A nursing pillow is convenient for propping up your arm and holding your baby correctly.

Momcozy’s Multifunctional and Adjustable Nursing Pillow is perfect for this.

It has an adjustable waist strap to adapt it for mom or others feeding the baby. A safety fence on the front of the pillow keeps your baby from falling or rolling off during feeding. Later, it can be used for propping the baby, tummy time, and sitting.

Keep your baby from lying flat after feeding to eliminate the risk of choking or spitting up.

What is Paced Bottle-Feeding?

Paced bottle-feeding (PBF) puts your baby in control of their feeding. They sit in a more upright position. Instead of the milk flowing into their mouths as in traditional feedings, they get it slower. It encourages them to take breaks, and they eat more deliberately.

Paced bottle-feeding helps the baby avoid overindulging. Since gravity and milk flowing quickly are eliminated, the baby tends to slow down, eat when hungry, and stop when full.

The steps of paced feeding:

  1. Prepare your baby’s bottle with a slow-flow nipple.
  1. Hold the baby as upright as possible while supporting their head and neck.
  1. Hold the bottle flat; do not tilt it at an angle. This makes the baby actively suck to get the bottled human or breast milk.
  1. Gently brush the nipple over the baby’s mouth and insert it when they fully open it.
  2. Allow them to suck on the nipple without milk in it. Tip it only slightly until the nipple is halfway full.
  1. Let the baby suck the liquid for about three to five steady swallows, and then take a break.
  1. Continue the pattern of sucking and breaking and then burp when necessary. Watch the baby for cues that they want more or are full. 15 to 20 minutes should be enough for one feeding.

How Do You Bond With Your Baby During Bottle Feeding?

You can never snuggle your baby enough during any feeding, including bottle-feeding! Most important is the way you interact with them at feeding time. You’ll respond to your baby’s cues more readily and get to know them better.

Here are a few tips to bond with your baby with a sense of closeness and lots of love:

  1. Get skin-to-skin: Unbutton the front of your shirt, loosen the baby’s clothing, and hold your baby close. If appropriate, bundle up with them under a blanket. This skin contact boosts the hormone oxytocin and enhances parent-baby bonding.
  1. Talk to your baby: Talking or singing can be soothing. They’ve heard your voice for months before birth, so they feel comfortable hearing it while you feed them. Some say that it will encourage them to babble earlier.
  1. Stare into your baby’s eyes: Gazing at them directly about eight to ten inches from their face (they can focus at this distance) can also release oxytocin.

According to a review in the National Library of Medicine (NIH), “An infant's milk intake during feeding was shown to have a strong association with the interaction between the infant and parent/caregiver.”

Bottle-feeding babies does not mean that you don’t care for them. You can be just as close to your baby with bottle feeds.

How Do I Get My Baby to Take a Bottle?

Your bottle-feeding position can affect whether your baby likes to take a bottle, especially in a breastfed baby who has only been fed from the breast in a cradle or football hold. Maybe you’ve fed them lying flat on your bed from the breast.

In any case, they may not agree readily when you want to give your baby their nutrition from a bottle. Patience and consistency are the best thing to have when you want to get them to feed from a bottle.

You can ease into it by switching to a bottle for one feeding each day and increasing this as time passes.

Most newborns will take any form of nutrition if they are hungry enough. Let your baby show you the cues that they are hungry, such as rooting, making sounds using their mouths, such as sucking or smacking, or moving their hands to their mouths.

When they are showing these hunger cues, use this time to introduce them to bottle feeding. Don’t worry that they won’t try to eat, as most newborn babies will drink from any place that gives them food.

How Much Milk Should Your Baby Take?

Age of Baby

Number of Ounces

How Often


1.5 - 3 ounces

Every 2-3 hours

Two months

4-5 ounces

Every 3-4 hours

Four months

4-6 ounces

4-5 times daily

Six months

6-8 ounces

4-5 times daily

This is only an estimate, as every baby is different. Watch for signs that your baby is still hungry or too full to finish a bottle. Over-feeding increases your baby’s risk of spitting up the infant formula or breast milk post-feeding.

General Tips for Bottle-Feeding Your Baby

Bottle-fed babies are sometimes prone to ear infections. If the position during bottle feeding is not correct, the milk can go into the middle ear through the Eustachian tube and make your baby sick.

Keep your baby from lying horizontally during feeding to prevent milk from entering the middle ear. The negative

Avoid propping your baby’s bottle, and never let your baby go to bed with a bottle. The residue from the milk in the bottle can cause tooth decay and other dental issues. Tooth decay can start as soon as your baby’s teeth erupt from the surface of the gums.


Bottle feeding can be a pleasurable experience for both you and your baby. Whether you are feeding them breastmilk or infant formula, you can still have the closeness and bonding with your baby as those do when feeding from the breast.

With proper bottle preparation, positioning, methods such as paced bottle-feeding, and the right tools, your baby will get the nutrition it needs from bottle feeding. Using pumped breast milk when bottle-feeding also gives your newborn the antibodies and infection prevention as if you were feeding from the breast.

Momcozy has the products, tools, and advice to assist you in your bottle-feeding journey.

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