Social Moments with Momcozy
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From €149,99 EUR
*Please note: Due to high demand for the Mobile Style™ Breast Pump, orders will be delayed one week for shipment.
More Milk
More Discreet
Powerful Suction
From €186,99 EUR
Please Note: This M9 Breast Pump is not the celebrity-signed edition featured in the gift set. If you'd like to learn more about the Jenna Dewan M9 Breast Pump Gift...
High Efficiency
Multiple Modes
APP Control
Long Battery
From €119,99 EUR
Schmerzloser horizontaler Winkel zum Pumpen wie ein echter Babymund3 Modi (Stimulation + Expression + Gemischt) und 9 StufenErhältlich in 4 Größen (17/19/21/24 mm)Vibrieren Sie, um schneller zu pumpenAll-in-One-Design
More Comfort
High Efficiency
More Discreet
€79,99 EUR
Portabel für unterwegs & ReisenErwärmt Milch in nur 2 MinutenInklusive 5 AdapternBatterie mit großer KapazitätEinfach zu benutzen & zu reinigenLebensmittelecht & BPA-frei & auslaufsicher
Portable for Outing
Long Battery
From €59,99 EUR
Due to high demand, orders for the black baby carrier will be shipped out in one week. You are welcome to choose other available colors for faster delivery.
Ease of use
Material durability
Back support
Weight distribution
Breast Milk & Water
Fast Heating
Long Battery