Developmental changes occur in quite many ways as babies grow, and one of the things that parents notice is their baby chewing on the bottle nipple. This action is related to teething most of the time because babies feel uncomfortable when they have a new tooth. Sucking on a bottle nipple can also be used by babies as a method of how they can explore the world approximately and, of course, different textures and feelings. In this article, we will explore the motives that lay behind this behavior, how it helps in relieving the discomfort of teething, and what precautions parents can undertake in the provision of comfort for the baby.
Why Does Your Baby Tend to Chew on a Bottle Nipple?
When your baby chews on a bottle nipple, it is not out of whim; there is always something going on in the developmental, feeding, or comfort domains. There are several reasons why infants might engage in such behavior, including teething, learning how to breastfeed, or switching from breastfeeding to bottle feeding. Knowing the cause of it can assist with making sure your baby is feeding well and without discomfort.
- Teething: Teething begins at the age of 4 to 7 months, and to alleviate the pain of the inflamed gums, a baby starts to chew. During this period, the use of the bottle nipple may help.
- Oral Exploration: Children, especially those of the age of one year, are known to use their mouths to feel things. Chewing on the bottle nipple fosters sensory development whereby the babies experience different textures and feel on the teats.
- Self-Soothing: Sucking and chewing are two comforting activities in the life of a baby. It may help the child employ this weaning implement to soothe himself, more often when feeling hungry, weary, or stressed.
- Learning to Control Oral Movements: Sucking is an important function that assists in the muscular development of the baby that deals with chewing skills useful for meal consumption and speech. Chewing on a bottle nipple lets them practice these movements.
- Hunger or Frustration: Sometimes, babies may chew on the nipple if they’re still hungry but not effectively sucking or if they are frustrated with the flow of milk. It can be a way to express that they want more milk or are struggling to get it.
If a baby is persistently chewing or biting the nipple, it might be a sign to check if they are teething or if the nipple flow is too slow or fast for their needs.
How to Deal with Baby Biting Bottle Nipples?

If your baby is biting or chomping on their bottle nipples, it can be a frustrating behavior for both of you, but there are several strategies you can try to address the issue. Here are some tips for dealing with baby biting bottle nipples:
- Check the Flow Rate
If the milk is coming out too fast, your baby might bite to slow it down. If it’s too slow, they may bite out of frustration. Try adjusting the flow to suit your baby’s needs.
A proper latch is important. If your baby isn’t sucking well, they might bite. Make sure their lips are flanged out, and the nipple is in their mouth properly.
- Teething Relief
The pain that children suffer during teething makes them chew objects such as bottle nipples. Get a cold teething ring and suggest your child use it before you feed them.
- Distract and Redirect
If your baby is playing with the nipple instead of feeding, gently encourage them to focus on drinking. Calmly remove the bottle if they bite, and offer it again.
- Choose the Right Nipple
Some babies prefer to bite softer nipples than others. Try using a different material, or if you have a firmer mattress, switch it for a while to see if it makes your baby more comfortable.
- Keep Feeding Calm
The feeding environment should be free from disturbances, light, and noise to prevent the baby from biting during a feeding session.
- Be Patient
Biting is often a phase that will pass. If it continues or your baby isn’t feeding enough, talk to your pediatrician for advice.
How to Help Your Baby Get a Good Latch on Bottle?

The position of the baby’s mouth around the bottle is crucial if the feeding has to be as comfortable as possible for the baby. Here are some simple steps to ensure your baby latches well:
- Choose the Right Nipple
Ensure that the bottle nipple used to feed your baby is the correct size and has the appropriate flow. If the nipple is too large or too small a baby can not latch itself properly onto the nipple.
Slow flow: For newborns or those new to bottle-feeding.
Medium/fast flow: For older babies who are more experienced.
- Hold the Bottle at the Right Angle
Position the bottle horizontally when feeding the baby so that the nipple is full of milk, not air. Swallowing less air and getting a firm hold also makes it easy for your baby to feed well and be comfortable during the process.
- Position Your Baby Properly
Make sure your baby’s head and body are in a slightly elevated position, like when you are holding your baby. Positioning the baby can make them latch more easily and, at the same time, help prevent the baby from choking.
Head alignment: Keep their head in line with their body.
Support: Gently support your baby’s head and neck as they feed.
- Offer the Nipple Gently
When giving the bottle, one can gently rub the nipple on the baby’s lips to allow them to open wide. When they do, try to nudge the nipple in as fast as possible, the target area being the roof of your mouth.
Wide mouth: Make sure your baby’s mouth is open wide before you insert the nipple.
Quick but gentle: Don’t force the nipple into their mouth, but don’t wait too long, either.
- Check for a Proper Latch
As the nipple gets positioned in the baby’s mouth, ensure that the baby has a good grip on the nipple. The nipple should always be deep in the mouth, and the lips should be stretched out (like a fish) and not on the gumline.
Lips flanged out: A good latch means their lips should be wide open, forming a seal around the nipple.
No leaks: If milk is leaking from the corners of their mouth, it could indicate an incorrect latch.
- Watch for Signs of Discomfort
If your baby looks uncomfortable or is crying a lot, then the chances are the baby is not latched properly. You could rotate the angle of the bottles slightly or shift the other bottles in the vicinity to try that.
- Take Breaks if Needed
Let your baby take a break while feeding. Taking breaks will remove any chance of them developing muscle fatigue so that they can learn how to attach back on when necessary.
By following these steps, you can help your baby latch properly and enjoy a more comfortable feeding experience.
Tips and Tools for An Efficient Bottle Feeding

Bottle feeding, when done with the correct equipment and following the correct technique, can be a very positive and time-saving activity. Here are some important tools and recommendations to improve the feeding of a baby with the help of a bottle.
- Prepare the Bottle Ahead of Time
When the baby is hungry, it is necessary to present the baby’s bottle correctly so as not to have to spend a lot of time preparing the bottle while the baby cries. If you practice bottle feeding, you should prepare bottles of this formula and refrigerate them whenever you are to feed your baby.
- Use a Bottle Warmer
You may find that heating bottles can sometimes take much longer than the anticipated time, particularly when warming milk. The Momcozy 6-in-1 Fast Baby Bottle Warmer can be used to warm formula milk to the right temperature in the shortest time. It also helps in the thawing of breast milk, cleaning of the bottles, and even warming of baby foods, hence providing more convenience in the process with just a single tool.
- Check the Milk Temperature
Before feeding, it is always advisable to check the temperature of the milk using the palm of your wrist. It should be comfortably warm, not hot because this is perfect for your baby and also safe for your baby.
- Ensure a Good Latch
A proper latch helps your baby drink more efficiently and reduces discomfort. Make sure your baby’s mouth is open wide enough to take in the nipple properly and that there’s a good seal around the bottle’s nipple.
- Pace the Feeding
Hold the bottle at a slight angle, allowing your baby to feed at a pace that feels comfortable for them. It can help prevent milk from flowing too quickly and allows your baby to take breaks as needed.
- Burp Your Baby
Burp your baby every few ounces to release any swallowed air. Burping the baby helps prevent gas buildup and reduces discomfort during and after feedings.
- Clean Bottles Regularly
As much as you would like to avoid washing your baby’s bottles, they should be cleaned often for your baby’s sake. The Momcozy KleanPal Pro Baby Bottle Washer is ideal as it steams and cleans as well as sterilizes the bottles so that your baby's feeding equipment is always clean and germ-free. All you need is to put the bottles inside, and they are cleaned and disinfected without fuss.
- Use the Right Nipple
Choose the right nipple size and flow rate for your baby’s age and needs. An appropriate nipple helps your baby feed more efficiently and comfortably.
- Create a Calm Feeding Environment
A peaceful setting helps your baby stay calm and focused while feeding. Reduce distractions and make feeding a relaxing experience for both you and your baby.
In conclusion, babies chewing on bottle nipples is normal developmental behavior, often linked to teething or exploring textures. Understanding why this happens, whether it’s for soothing or self-soothing, can help parents address it effectively. By getting a good latch and using equipment such as the Momcozy 6-in-1 Fast Baby Bottle Warmer and Momcozy KleanPal Pro Baby Bottle Washer, parents can make bottle feeding easier for both the parent and the child.