In our latest "Cozy Mom Says" issue, we celebrate the remarkable journeys of motherhood shared by our community. These heartfelt stories reveal the transformative power of motherhood, showcasing how moms have emerged stronger and more resilient and how their babies have brought fresh perspectives and joy into their lives. Join us in exploring these inspiring tales of growth, strength, and the incredible bond between mother and child as we honor the beautiful evolution of motherhood.
@Stacie Ryherd
Motherhood has shaped me into the person i am today. Learning that life isn't all about looks, wealth or popularity. I have been so blessed to have 2 amazing kids and my 3rd due here in less than 8 days! Motherhood has built this path for me that has shown me all the ups & downs in life, and has also helped me grow from those mistakes & wins.
@Destiny Griffin-Fuhrman
I've learned to have more patience, to be open minded, protective. And I now have gone back to school to take on a hair styling course to prove that I don't have to give up my career I want and show her she can really do anything.

@Rachel Hanlon
I'm a paramedic so juggling motherhood and work is not at all easy. Being able to continue our feeding journey by pumping has been so amazing. Momcozy have been incredible for us. My little man has changed my life in so many ways. He's given me a purpose I didn't know existed. I'm so proud of us for doing it all on our own.
@Tiffanney Brett
They‘ve shown me what it's like to feel a deeper unconditional love fiercer than any I could've imagined, what it's like to fall in love with their father all over again every time as I get to see him become a better father and husband every single day.
@Caroline Plouzennec
I get to see everything through the eyes of my kids and this has no price. I feel more patient, more mature and more confident since I became a mother 3 years ago, and seeing my sons bonding, learning and enjoying life everyday is my greatest prize.
Motherhood taught me resilience, patience, and the importance of seeking help. I learned to trust my instincts and embrace the journey, even when it felt daunting. Each challenge pushed me to grow, ultimately creating a deeper bond with my baby and shaping me into the confident mother I became.

@McKinnxe Dawson
Motherhood has given me a new outlook on life, everything I took for granted and grew accustomed to is entirely new to him. It's given me a newfound appreciation for every aspect of my life and filled me with the determination to make his life as beautiful as I can.
Being a mother has been gratifying but sometimes difficult and emotional. You quickly find out your life no longer revolves on yourself after you become a mother. Seeing their adorable smiles cheers me up even on my worst days. I will do it over again a thousand times.
@Korina Hall
Becoming a mom has changed my life completely. It helped me realize that life is about the little things that make people happy. Even some of my bad days, I make good days for my children, I don't sulk and hide. I embrace the day and have fun activities.

With that rainbow also came some storms - I call postpartum. From the hormonal fluctuations and the ever present mom guilt and of course breast feeding. But, watching your little one grow right before your eyes is enough to ease the storm. It makes all the sleepless night and middle of the night pumping sessions worth the time and effort.

Being a mama has been like joining a new club of women that I didn't even know existed until I became one! It has given me a whole new appreciation for ALL moms, especially my own and ALL she did for me. I am in awe of all that moms are and all that they do for their kiddos and for one another. Where would we be without moms?!

As an medical student and then an OB/GYN resident working 80 hours a week, I loved being a part of other people's journey into motherhood. Now that I have two of my own, I see that motherhood is the hardest but most rewarding thing I've done. I never knew I had it in me to wake up every 2-3 hours followed by delivering babies for 24 hours straight. It's hard, but I'm in awe of the resilience that unifies all mothers.
Growing up, I always wanted kids, but after my battle (against cancer), I didn't think it was in the cards for me. Now, motherhood has not only brought joy, happiness, and peace, but it has also made me appreciate life so much more, even after such a traumatic experience. It truly feels like the biggest blessing and has given me a renewed sense of purpose. My baby boy truly saved me and he has no idea yet.
We can handle so many things at once! being a mother reminds me that I am capable of doing anything I put my mind to! My daughter will learn that from me. It's a roller coaster everyday but I would do it all over again because I am stronger than I've ever been and just seeing my baby's little gummy smile makes everything so worth it!!

My son is the reason I still push, he's the reason that no matter how hard life gets sometimes... I try my best because I want to be the best mom I can be when he finally breathes his first breath. I went from someone who didn't have the thought of kids in my books to carrying a whole person.