How to sterilize a used breast pump at home?
Breastfeeding mothers may be absent, not always being able to breastfeed their baby. When there is a long gap between feedings, milk accumulates in the ducts and causes discomfort to the mother. In this case, a feeding breast pump comes to the rescue. It is a modern tool that allows you to solve many problems and prevent problems with feeding.

Some people get the impression that if the child is fully breastfed, then the mother does not need any additional tools. But, no matter how great the desire to do everything “naturally” and “the old-fashioned way”, it should be recognized that the conditions and lifestyle of a modern mother have changed. Most often, she has to spend her maternity leave in multitasking mode, as well as reduce the time before going to work.
The best feeding breast pump for you is the one that will meet your needs in terms of pumping frequency, physiology, and feeding schedule. How to deal with the subtleties; we will tell in this article.
Types of Feeding Breast Pump
Home and clinical - breast pumps are divided into these two large classes. You can say in other words - they are professional and household.
Professional or clinical breast pumps are used in maternity hospitals to help women with lactation problems. Or for those who experience temporary stagnation of milk because the child is not nearby, and the natural rhythm of feeding is disturbed.
Such devices are mainly powered, almost silent, and the vibration during pumping is virtually imperceptible. Such a feeding breast pump imitates a sucking mechanism close to physiologically natural.
Household or home appliances are divided into 2 types:
- Mechanical
- Electrical
A manual breast pump is an easy-to-use device that either operates on the principle of a piston or has a pump mechanism. A pump-action breast pump is a nozzle applied to the breast (it resembles a funnel in shape) and a rubber pear, with which the device is actuated. It is often necessary to squeeze and unclench the pear to ensure the outflow of milk from the mammary gland.
This type of breast pump is cheap and easy to disassemble and clean. But frequent pumping, can contribute to the formation of cracked nipples. Fatigue may occur during use.
There are breast pumps that look like a syringe
They consist of two cylinders. Internal - is applied to the nipple, and the outflow of milk occurs due to the movement of the outer cylinder. They are very easy to use and clean. But the hands, moving the cylinder, get tired, and this causes considerable discomfort. A piston breast pump also requires constant hand movement, but it is more powerful and more convenient.
The breast cap is attached to a reservoir (bottle or container) and is equipped with a lever that, when pressed, acts like a piston, helping the silicone cap stimulate the mammary gland.
Expresses milk quickly and painlessly. Using a piston system is much more convenient than hand-expressing breast milk. The process is almost painless and beneficial. The mechanism, squeezing and unclenching the nozzle, provides breast massage.
Electric Feeding Breast Pump
A feeding breast pump helps to effortlessly express the required amount of milk in the shortest possible time. The principle of its operation is the same as that of the mechanical one - creating a vacuum around the nipple and affecting the halo and the adjacent part of the breast.
Only in this case, stimulation (compression-relaxation) does not occur manually, but with the help of an electric motor powered by a network or using batteries. The electric breast pump can be equipped with one or two funnels. Accordingly, pumping is performed either simultaneously, or from each breast in turn.
How to choose a breast pump and what to look for?
When it becomes clear that pumping milk manually does not give the desired results (the process is laborious and lengthy), the question arises - which feeding breast pump to choose? Some mothers, after comparing manual pumping and using a clinical breast pump, are seriously considering buying a professional pump for home.
By the way, a clinical breast pump can be rented. This option will be much more economical for you.
And yet, household breast pumps are more suitable for home use. But which breast pump is better - manual or electric, you will understand by answering some questions and comparing the facts.
How often do you plan to feed your baby with expressed milk? If you leave rarely and for "insurance" prefer to store several containers frozen, then purchase a device that is effective for rare applications.
Why do you need a reliable feeding breast pump?
If you intend to use a breast pump regularly (for some reason, the baby does not breastfeed, you go to work and plan to be absent all day), then it is better to purchase a powerful electric device. In this case, the costs are quite justified. You can save time and make less effort.
Which feeding breast pump is better if you are constantly on the road? Most likely portable, battery operated. With it, you will be most comfortable moving around and observing the baby's feeding schedule.
How to sterilize a breast pump?
With the advent of a small family member, special hygiene rules must be observed in the house. Of course, over time, the baby's body will get stronger and his own immunity will form. But until the newborn has started the process of producing antibodies to fight bacteria, you should not neglect thorough disinfection.
While sterilizing individual items is easy to handle, cleaning complex baby care items can sometimes be difficult. How to sterilize a breast pump so as not to spoil or damage its parts? In this article, you will find a detailed description.
Why sterilization is needed?
Sterilization involves a thorough hygienic treatment of items. Caring for baby supplies with special products will not give 100% protection against all germs. But despite this, you can ensure the necessary cleaning of the accessories used to feed the baby.
To disinfect a feeding breast pump, simply rinsing is not enough. Hot water and soapy solutions remove food debris but do not kill bacteria. Incomplete cleaning of dishes can affect the fragile body of the baby. A dairy environment is an ideal place for the development of microbes.
While the intestinal microflora of the baby has not yet been formed, infectious agents can be very dangerous. For parents using a breast pump, sterilization becomes a regular, uncomplicated procedure.
Sterilization of Different Types of Breast Pumps
The procedure for sterilizing the feeding breast pump should be carried out after each use, processing all parts of the device.
How to sterilize a manual breast pump?
All parts of a manual breast pump can be machined. There are no elements in it that should not get wet. To begin, disassemble the breast pump and thoroughly clean the surfaces of its components. Wash the bottle, nipple, lid, and handles under hot water with a mild detergent. After that, you can proceed to the sterilization procedure.
How to sterilize an electric breast pump?
Since this device is electrical, you should read in advance in the manual which parts can be washed and sterilized and which cannot. This will help you maintain your pumping aid and give it long service life. You can use the boiling procedure or choose one of the methods described below.
All you have to do is load all the parts to be sterilized into the processing tank and follow the instructions.
Feeding Breast Pump Sterilization Methods
There are many options for disinfecting a breast pump at home. Be sure to rinse all parts under warm water using a separate sponge or soft brush. Remove any remaining milk or formula.
The most affordable way is boiling
You don't need anything other than a pot and stove. You need to find out in advance whether the bottles and breast pump you have purchased can be boiled.
Most feeding aids are made of eco plastic and silicone, which are not susceptible to damage during sterilization. But some materials, when in contact with high temperatures, deform and release harmful substances, try to take this into account.
With constant sterilization in boiling water, a white coating may appear on the parts. Therefore, sometimes it is worth doing the procedure in pairs. To do this, pour water into a saucepan and boil it. After boiling, fix a colander on the pan and put a feeding breast pump, bottle, or jar in it, cover with a lid. Steaming should continue for at least 10 minutes.
Electric Sterilizer for Disinfection Breast Pump
One of the most common methods is a special electric sterilizer. It holds up to 6 bottles and stays clean for up to six hours with the lid closed.
One of the innovations in the field of sterilization is the use of special packages. Place the parts of the device in a bag pre-filled with cold water, then close with an airtight lock and place in the center of the microwave oven for 2 minutes. Such bags can be used up to 20 times, and this is a definite plus.
Where to buy the best feeding breast pump?
Momcozy is the best place to buy a feeding breast pump at an attractive price. You can check out a wide range of electric pumps that come with the finest material and smooth functions.