Breastfeeding is an essential part of motherhood, providing a wealth of health benefits to both mother and baby. However, some women may experience low breast milk supply, making breastfeeding a challenge. There are several reasons why this may occur, and insufficient glandular tissue is one of them. In this article, we'll discuss how to deal with low breast milk supply, including the potential reasons for insufficient milk production, tips for increasing milk supply, and the use of related products like Knead Lactation Massager and Breast Pump.

What Can Be Some Reasons For Low Breast Milk Supply?
There are many reasons why a woman may experience low breast milk supply, such as if you are diabetic or over age 30, you can have low milk supply. Here we will look at some of the reasons for the low milk supply one by one.
- Poor latch or inadequate breastfeeding: If a baby is not properly latching on to the breast or not feeding frequently enough, it can result in a decrease in milk production.
- Hormonal imbalances: Hormones such as prolactin and oxytocin play a key role in milk production. If there is a hormonal imbalance or hormonal disorder such as polycystic ovary syndrome or hypothyroidism, it can affect milk production.
- Stress: High levels of stress can inhibit milk production.
- Certain medications: Certain medications such as hormonal contraceptives, decongestants, and some antidepressants can interfere with milk production.
- Previous breast surgery: Surgery to the breast, such as breast reduction or augmentation, can damage milk ducts and glands and affect milk production.
- Insufficient glandular tissue: One of the possible reasons for low breast milk supply in some cases is also insufficient glandular tissue. Insufficient glandular tissue refers to the inadequate development of milk-producing tissue in the breast. Some women are born with insufficient glandular tissue due to genetic factors while others may develop it later in life due to hormonal imbalances, or trauma to the breast tissue, however, many women can still produce enough milk for their babies even with this condition.
What Are Some Signs That Indicate You May Have a Low Breast Milk Supply?
If you suspect that you have a low breast milk supply, there are some signs that you can look out for. These include:
- Inadequate weight gain or weight loss in your baby
- Reduced frequency of wet and dirty diapers
- Your baby seems unsatisfied after feeding
- Your breasts do not feel full or engorged after feeding
It's important to remember that not all women experience engorgement or fullness, so this is not always a reliable sign of low breast milk supply. Anyhow, if you are concerned, it is best to get guidance related to it from a lactation consultant or healthcare professional.
How You Can Increase Breast Milk Supply?
Coping strategies for the emotional challenges of low milk supply
If you're struggling with a low breast milk supply, here are some tips which you can try for increasing milk supply.
Frequent feeding: Try to feed your baby frequently, at least every 2-3 hours, and on demand. The more often you feed, the more milk your body will produce.
Proper latch: Ensure that your baby is latching correctly, as a poor latch can affect milk transfer and decrease milk supply.
Adequate hydration: Drink plenty of water and other fluids to keep your body hydrated, which can help with milk production.
Breast compression or breast massage: Use gentle breast compression during feeding to encourage milk flow and increase milk supply. Regular breast massage helps to keep the breasts working at their best for milk production.
You can seek support for your breastfeeding issues by finding resources for breastfeeding assistance. Using products such as an easy-to-use lactation massager that is designed to help in stimulating milk flow, increase milk supply, and also relieving engorgement is also a great idea. The gentle vibration and compression help to unplug blocked milk ducts and increase milk flow.
Relaxation techniques: Stress and anxiety can affect milk supply, so try to relax and take some time for yourself.
Power pumping: This involves pumping for shorter periods of time more frequently to help increase milk production. A breast pump is a useful product for women with a low breast milk supply. It works by creating a suction that helps to express milk from the breast. Using a breast pump regularly can help to increase milk supply by stimulating milk production.
Lactation cookies: These are cookies made with ingredients that are believed to help increase milk supply, and also found effective at increasing milk supply in some research studies.
Breastfeeding-friendly foods: Eating a healthy, balanced diet can help with milk production. Some foods that are particularly beneficial for breastfeeding mothers include oatmeal, pumpkin, bottled gourd, lemon basil, egg, tofu, chicken, fish, seafood, and dark leafy greens. You can try lactation smoothies or other recipes including ingredients good for supporting milk production.
Herbal supplements and teas: There are many herbal supplements and nursing teas available that are believed to support an increase in milk supply. You can enjoy homemade fenugreek and funnel tea on alternate days to help promote your milk supply.
Lactation consultant services: A lactation consultant is a professional who can provide guidance and support for breastfeeding mothers. They can help with issues such as low milk supply, poor latch, and breastfeeding pain. Lactation consultants can provide personalized advice and support tailored to your specific needs.
Low breast milk supply can be a frustrating and challenging experience for new mothers. However, several tips and products can help with increasing milk supply, including frequent feeding, proper latch, and adequate hydration. Knead Lactation Massager and Breast Pump have also used products that can help with improving breast milk supply and make the process of breastfeeding quite convenient for mothers. By using a combination of these products and solutions, you can help to increase your breast milk supply and provide your baby with the nourishment they need to thrive.
This is not a substitute for a medical opinion. Always consult a lactation specialist or healthcare professional specifically before using any herbal supplement or making significant changes to your diet.