It’s the most wonderful time of the year! And with that, the busiest. There are parties to attend, cookies to bake, gifts to buy, crafts to make, and friends and family to visit or host. Whew, I am tired just thinking of it all. As a mom of three boys, I know the importance of getting proper rest, specifically sleep, for our physical, emotional, and mental health. This is extra important during the holidays and busy times.
How do I know its importance? It’s my job! I am an adult sleep consultant and my work and passion is teaching moms to slow down and rest. Using CBT-I tools (cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia) I coach busy, tired, maxed out mamas to sleep better through thoughts and actions around their sleep. I’ve experienced firsthand the negative impacts that stress and lack of sleep can have on a person, and it is my passion to help others get the rest that is necessary for a full life.
So now you must be wondering - how can I possibly sleep, slow down, and rest during the hectic holiday season? I am here to give you my top 6 tips to prioritize rest and relaxation.
Give Yourself a Bedtime Routine
You know the importance of a bedtime routine for your kids. I am sure it looks something like this: You give them a bath, brush their teeth, lather them with lotion, get on their coziest pajamas, and read some books or sing a few songs with the lights down low. Everyone is calm and you probably start to feel sleepy yourself.
Somewhere along the way we forgot to give ourselves a bedtime routine. We work hard all day - inside or outside the home - with bright lights, screens galore, and usually a lot of stress. Yet somehow we expect to be able to get into bed and fall asleep right away. Prioritize rest by creating a bedtime routine for yourself. Ideally, it would be about 30 minutes to an hour long to properly prepare yourself for sleep. Mimic the routine for your kids - take a bath or shower, dim the lights, remove screens, do a skincare regimen or perform some self-care, get on your pajamas, and read.

Double Down on Your Sleep Environment
In case you need the reminder, there are so many things we can’t control when it comes to our sleep. The sick kiddo, the nursing baby, the loud neighbor, or barking dog. Here is what you can control… your sleep environment (aka your bedroom). Remove the clutter, make your bed, get that TV outta there, and make sure you have those blackout curtains up or eye mask on! One of my favorite ways to keep the outside noise at bay is a white noise machine. A great option is the DreamSync™ Sound Machine by Momcozy to create an environment to set yourself up for a silent night. Overall, your bedroom should be completely set up to support your sleep. Think of it as your own little peaceful cave - dark, cool, quiet, and a place that feels relaxing to you.
Write it out
Racing thoughts at bedtime is far from ideal and far too common. I can almost guarantee you have had a time when your to-do lists, random reminders, and next day tasks pop into your mind right when your head hits the pillow. According to a study in Pub Med¹, people who take just five minutes each day to write out their to-do lists, thoughts, and feelings before bed fall asleep faster than those who do not. I like to call it a brain dump journal. Whatever is in your head - dump it out onto the paper. Just make sure you do it outside of the bedroom, preferably at a couch or table. Then you can trust that those packages you need to mail, your kids current clothes sizes, and the shopping list is all safely written down.

Incorporate Nature
I am going to channel my inner Will Ferrel from the movie Elf right now and say “I’m in love, I’m in love, and I don’t care who knows it!” - and I am in love with using nature as a way to sleep better. Healthline² published a great article on just some of the benefits of being outdoors, one of them being better sleep. When we get outside, our bodies are exposed to around 200 times the strength of artificial light inside. This means, when we are outside, we are supporting our circadian rhythm, sleep, and mood. Getting outside helps us fall asleep faster, get better quality of sleep, and feel more tired at night. So bundle up buttercup, and get outside.
Use Sounds to Relax
Will you cry if you hear Mariah singing “All I Want For Christmas” again? I feel it. Music is a powerful tool for our state of mind. And using music and sounds are a fantastic way to relax and unwind and set yourself up for rest as long as it is the right one. Find yourself a wonderful instrumental playlist, nature sounds, rhythmic beats, or even a sleep story to help get yourself ready for bed. Enter Momcozy DreamSync™ Sound Machine once again - put on some nature sounds and turn on a relaxing amber color glow during your newly created bedtime routine, and enjoy the space to pull away from the busyness of your days.
Take a Breather
Literally. Take one. Now slow it down. Make that exhale long. And now take some more. Deep breathing is the best way (plus, it’s free!) to quickly slow down our heart rate, lower our blood pressure, and get our body out of fight or flight mode and activate our parasympathetic nervous system. Practicing this at certain times throughout the day is one of my favorite ways to help busy adults slow down. Even just a few minutes several times throughout the day can positively impact your physical and mental health.
These steps may feel too simple to make a difference, but integrating each of these tips into your daily routine can make a major impact on your sleep. And consider this your full permission granted to take time to slow down this season. Sleep matters for each member of the family - and that includes you, mom. Rest well!
Citation: 1.