Momcozy, the trusted choice of over 3 million moms worldwide, made a prominent appearance on the nationally televised show Health Uncensored with Dr. Drew on October 20th, airing on Fox Business Network. In this special episode, Dr. Drew Pinsky, a renowned physician and media personality, explored the challenges of motherhood, breastfeeding, and how innovative products like the Momcozy Mobile Flow™ breast pump are making a difference for moms.
New York, NY, Sept. 09, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Momcozy's NYFW Pop-up Event, kicking off on September 6th, was a c...
NEW YORK, Aug. 21, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- As National Breastfeeding Awareness Month progresses, the global one-stop ...
Momcozy has reached new heights of acclaim from the industry’s most prestigious media outlets and awards organizations, earning two dozen and counting honors in 2024 for its excellence as a one-stop maternity and baby care brand that supports all expecting and new mothers as well as their families.
Reflecting on its recent Mother’s Day campaign, Momcozy, a global one-stop mother and baby brand, reaffirms its commitment to supporting mothers through its "Momcozy Village" initiative. Inspired by the saying, "It takes a village to raise a child," Momcozy extended this concept to motherhood, creating a warm community ensuring no mother navigates her parenting journey alone. The campaign focused on 'real support,' 'real connection,' and 'real cozy,' each designed to nurture and empower mothers.
Where is “the village” for new moms? A new report highlights the lack of societal support.